Same Mission. New Building.
We exist to connect people to a growing relationship with Jesus. Our new facility will allow us to effectively carry out our mission through:
Reaching the lost
Restoring Families
Revitalizing Dublin
Hosting His Presence.
Our heart above all else is to host His presence in our corporate worship gatherings including Sunday services, worship nights, prayer meetings, women’s and men’s quarterly events, and conferences. Our sanctuary has a seating capacity of 900 chairs with a built-in prayer room and ample praying space at the altar.
Housing His People.
Like never before in the life of Connection Church Dublin, every gathering, every event, and every ministry area from Konnection Kids to Connection Students and Connection College will be in one facility to tangibly feel His presence, build authentic relationships, and carry out His mission.
Follow His Mission.
The facility will have dedicated spaces to train Heart & Soul members to embrace the Great Commission, equip and empower Connect Group leaders to facilitate discipleship in community, and raise up and send ministry leaders, church planters and missionaries.
Phase 1 | 21,000 SQ. FT.
Cost: 1.3 million
Sanctuary | Lobby with Coffee Bar | Offices | H&S Room
Phase 2 | 12,000 SQ. FT.
Cost: 1.7 million
Konnection Kids | Connection Students & College | Equipment | AVL (Audio, Visual, Lighting)
Building Information
Build His Church Initiative
Build His Church is our 5-year initiative to raise 3 million dollars in order to be debt free on the costs required to finish the construction and renovation for Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the 33,000 square foot facility at 200 East Madison Street.
Since launching the Build His Church initiative in September 2024, we have raised $79,696.40 above our general tithes and offering.
Because of your generosity and faithful giving towards the GeneroCITY campaign and Build His Church, we have raised a total of $444,464.40 towards our 5-year, 3 million dollar goal.
This is more than a building, it’s a church. A church in the city, for the city. A church that is on mission to connect people to a growing relationship to Christ by reaching the lost, restoring families, and revitalizing Dublin.
Will you help us Build His Church?
Will you pray and give sacrificially toward this vision and His church?
Thank you for being family with us at Connection Church Dublin as we seek to reach the lost, restore families, and revitalize Dublin. The best is yet to come.